Wednesday, August 6, 2014

World Breastfeeding Week

In the next few weeks I plan on posting more in depth about my family and myself  giving you a chance to know us a little bit better.  In the meantime, and in between introductory posts, I will be sharing about what's currently happening in our lives... And today is a milestone of sorts.

Thing 2 is FIVE MONTHS OLD today...blare the horns, cue the confetti and streamers. But what is even better is that I have been able to exclusively breastfeed this whole time.  In honor of this, and the fact that it is World Breastfeeding Week, I thought that I'd do a post about breastfeeding.  Don't be surprised to see more posts this month, since it is also Breastfeeding Awareness Month, about my experiences with Thing 1 and Thing 2.

5 Months and going strong, even through the pinching.

It seems that the term Exclusively Breastfeeding (EBF'ing) covers a whole range of  ways to feed a baby breast milk depending on who you ask. Perhaps your baby only takes milk directly from the breast. All. The. Time. Or maybe baby only ingests breast milk, indiscriminate of delivery method (i.e. the breast, pumped milk from a bottle, syringe, cup, etc.).  With Thing 2 I'd say that he has fed directly from the source over 90% of the time.  I have a supply of pumped milk that could last my son a few days, if necessary.  But really it is so much easier to feed him directly from the source. And ultimately it is something that I love doing, I mean I LOVE it.  

I love the looks that we share.  For a good portion of his life, his only knowledge of the world has been my face.  I set the ground work for him learning shapes and colors and body parts.  He looks up at me with these eyes so big and curious about the world, and I love seeing this innocence when he is at his most vulnerable.  I love hearing the slurps and gulps. I love it when, for whatever reason he unlatches and pops off my boob, and it sprays him.  It makes us both laugh, and who doesn't love a laughing baby.  I love seeing him grow, and THRIVE, and I love knowing that it is because of nourishment that I am making. Finally, the thing that I love the most is when he's nursing, and he just stops and smiles at me.  Granted there are times that I may do something that he thinks is funny, but this smile is different.  It is deliberate and thoughtful even for a 5 month old.  It is his way of thanking me, even though he doesn't even know what thanks is yet.

Laid back, with my mind on my mommy ,and my mommy on my mind.


I AM NOT A MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL, but I am an self-described expert in "Paranoid Parenting".  I have spent hours upon hours online researching countless topics, including breastfeeding: Is my baby eating enough? Is he in the right position? What is the RIGHT position? What are the guidelines to pumping and dumping? Why is he eating every 45 minutes? Do I have oversupply? How can I increase my supply?...I think you get the picture.  I have joined dozens of Facebook groups dedicated to breastfeeding and breastfeeding support, and thank goodness because those ladies can be amazing support at 3 am, when your nipples are cracked and bleeding and your panicked that you're doing everything wrong. Whatever I write is solely based on my opinion and off of my personal experience, and whatever internet research I have done as a "Paranoid Parent". 

Breast Feeding Information and Support:

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